(KH As'ad Syamsul Arifin is the perpetrator history of NU, she who became a media liaison of KH. Kholil Bangkalan signaled for KH. Hasyim Asyari establish Jam'iyah cleric who eventually named NU. The speech was originally speaking Madura and the following is translit more).
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. I will tell you this is not advice or direction, but I want to tell you all. YOU like to listen to the story? (Audience answers: Yes).
If you like I want to tell. Here's brothers. Surely that is present is mostly members of NU, huh? Yes I Do? (Audience answers: Yes).
If anyone other than members of NU is not anything listening. I say this only about NU, NU. Since I have the NU, should not change, already NU. So I want to tell you why there NU?
Surely other preachers-preachers telling book contents. If I do not. Now I want to talk about why there NU in Indonesia, why? Please listen to yes, especially the managers, Branch Board, MWC, Twig, why there NU in Indonesia.
You see, Muslims in Indonesia began approximately 700 years from now, more or less, the Saints', the forerunners of the Prophet. that go to Indonesia to bring Islamic law according to the flow of one of the four schools of thought, which is four. Thus, scholars, the Saints', the pioneer of the Prophet. go to Indonesia is the first time that brought Islam. According to the present Islam wal Jama'ah Ahlussunah, Islamic law of the Prophet. homage to one of the four schools, especially schools Shafi. It is the largest in Indonesia.
Other schools in Islam are also available. These include Islam wal Jama'ah Ahlussunah. Including those brought Walisongo, which brought Sunan Ampel, including Raden Asmoro father Sunan Ampel, including Sunan Kalijogo, including Sunan Gunung Jati. All of this is the pioneer scholars into Indonesia, which brought Islamic law Ahlussunah wal Jama'ah.
Approximately 1920, when I was in Bangkalan (Madura), in cottage Kyai Khalil. Approximately 1920, Kyai Kyai Muntaha Jengkebuan son Khalil, the scholars invited guests from all over Indonesia. Simultaneously not to promise to come together, a number of about 66 scholars from all over Indonesia.
Each scholar reported: "How Kyai Muntaha, please convey to Kyai Khalil, I dare not speak. This all had intended to SOWAN to Hadhratus Shaikh. It's nothing if not you dare say it. "
Kyai Muntaha said: "What is his need?"
"Well, now it started there are groups that are not very happy with the Salaf, not happy with the books of the Salaf. That was followed only the Koran and Hadith alone. The others do not have to be followed. How do forerunners Walisongo because it is already running in Indonesia. Because apparently this group through Colonial government power, the Dutch East Indies. Please delivered on Kyai Khalil. "
Before the guests to the residence of Kyai Kholil and still be in Jengkuban, Kyai Kyai Khalil told Fate: "Fate, here! Tell Muntaha, in the Koran there is enough:
يُرِيدُونَ أَن يُطْفِؤُواْ نُورَ اللّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَيَأْبَى اللّهُ إِلاَّ أَن يُتِمَّ نُورَهُ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ ﴿٣٢﴾
"They are willing to extinguish the light (of religion) of Allah with their mouths (sayings) them, and God does not want other than perfect His light, though the disbelievers dislike." (QS. At-Taubat paragraph 32)
So when it's desired by Allah Ta'ala, then His will is going to happen, it will not fail. Say yes to Muntaha. "
So the guests have not been answered by Kyai SOWAN (Khalil). It karomah brother, has not come already answered needs. So the scholars did not deliver anything, Just shake. "I am happy now" said Kyai Muntaha. So I have not SOWAN, this has been answered my intent.
Years 1921-1922 there were meetings in Kawatan (Surabaya) at home Kyai Mas Alwi. Scholars gather as many as 46, not 66. But just across Java, deliberation including my Abah (KH. Syamsul Arifin), including Kyai Sidogiri, including Kyai Hasan deceased, Genggong, discussing this issue.
Like what, like what? From West Kyai Asnawi Qudus, scholars Jombang all, Kyai Thohir. Kyai said: "Nothing happens, no conclusion." Until 1923, Kyai one word: "Establishing Jamiyah (organization)", another said: "The Islamic Union be strengthened." Said another: "Organizations that already there is only. "
No NU. (Provisional) others already rampant. Tabarruk-tabarruk already not allowed. People ask for blessings to Ampel already should not be. Ask intercession to ancestors had not allowed. It had not desired. Already rejected all by the groups. Like what is innate.
Then there is a mature scholars (facing) at Kyai: "Kyai, I find the history of writing Sunan Ampel. He wrote like this (Kyai As'ad said: "If no one is thick paper. I was a child. Not only listen to adults only"): "When I (Sunan Ampel Raden Rahmatullah) recite to my uncle in Medina, I never ever dreamed of meeting the Prophet, as he said to me (Raden Rahmat): "Islam wal Jama'ah Ahlussunah is brought moved to Indonesia. Because in his birthplace has been unable to perform the Islamic Sharia wal Jama'ah Ahlussunah. Bring to Indonesia. "
So in Arabic was not able to implement Islamic law Ahlussunah wal Jama'ah. In the days of Maulana Ahmad, there is no term Wahabi, no term anything. Indonesian scholars tasked with doing this testament.
In conclusion let Istikhara. So all four of these scholars do. There are to Sunan Ampel. There are to Sunan Giri. And to Sunan-Sunan other. At least 40 days. There are 4 people assigned to Medina.
Finally, in 1923 all come together, equally reported. The results of this report do not know who is holding. What Kyai Wahab, what Kyai Bisri. God willing, there is complete report. I used to ask the same Gus Gus Yusuf Abdurrahman and so sought after.
After not finding conclusions, 1924, Kyai (Khalil) called me. Yes I have. I did not tell anyone else. I am alone. I called: "As'ad, here you are!"
Originally this I recite in the morning, scolded by clerics, because I can not pronounce the letter Ra '. I have plates (cadal). "Arrahman Arrahim ..."
Kyai angry: "How do you read the Koran really like this? Intentional or not ?! "
"I do not accidentally Kyai. This my plate. "
Kyai then exit (Kyai Kholil do something). Then the next day my plate is missing. This is one of the sanctity Kyai given to me.
Secondly, I called again: "Where are cedal it? Already cured cedalnya? "
"It Kyai."
"Come here. Tomorrow we will go to Hashim Ash'ari Jombang. Know his house? "
"How did you know? Had lodgings there? "
"Is Not. Ever SOWAN. "
"This wand deliver, give Hashim. It sticks kasihkan. "
"Yes, clerics."
"You have money?"
"There has, clerics."
I was given money Ringgit, round silver. I put it in the bag. I do not use. Until now there. Childless, but the fruit (blessing). Beranaknya no. If his lot. I save. It's a blessing. This fruit.
After the next day I was leaving, I called again: "Come here you! There's the cost? "
"There clerics."
"Do not eat you? Do not smoke you? You're like smoke? "
I was given another 1 Ringgit round. I save again. I've got 5 rupees. Money is not my thing unharmed. Still there today. Kyai out: "It (the stick) kasihkan yes, (Kyai Kholil read the Qur'an. Taha verse 17-21):
وَمَا تِلْكَ بِيَمِينِكَ يَا مُوسَى ﴿١٧﴾ قَالَ هِيَ عَصَايَ أَتَوَكَّأُ عَلَيْهَا وَأَهُشُّ بِهَا عَلَى غَنَمِي وَلِيَ فِيهَا مَآرِبُ أُخْرَى ﴿١٨﴾ قَالَ أَلْقِهَا يَا مُوسَى ﴿١٩﴾ فَأَلْقَاهَا فَإِذَا هِيَ حَيَّةٌ تَسْعَى ﴿٢٠﴾ قَالَ خُذْهَا وَلَا تَخَفْ سَنُعِيدُهَا سِيرَتَهَا الْأُولَى ﴿٢١﴾
"Is that in your right hand O Moses? He said: "It is mine, I hold on to him, and I'm at (leaves) with him for goats, and for me there is no other purpose to it." Allah said: "Throw it, O Moses!" And threw the stick, then arrived -Arrived he became a snake that slithered quickly. Allah says: "Hold it and do not be afraid, we will return it to its original condition."
Because my name is still young. Still dashing. Now it wrinkles. Wear stout stick visits continue the same people. Said Arabs Ampel: "This guy is crazy. Young holding club. "
There are other says: "It's guardian."
Well kinds of words people. Some say crazy, some say guardian. I do not want to know, I just told Kyai. Guardian or not, crazy or not is up to you.
I kept walking. I continue to be teased, crazy. Being young use a cane. So the words of people can not be followed. Damaged all, the insult is too severe. Whose praise is also outrageous. Guardian that, why know? So this exam. I tested by Kyai. I keep on the road.
Up in Tebuireng, (Kyai Hasyim asked): "Who is this?"
"I, Kyai."
"Which gang do you belong to?"
"From Madura, Kyai."
"What is his name?"
"His son whom?"
"His son Maimunah and Syamsul Arifin."
"Her son Maimunah you?"
"Yes, Kyai"
"My niece you, kid. What is wrong? "
"Look Kyai, I told Kyai (Khalil) to drive a stick."
"Sticks what?"
"This, Kyai."
"Soon, soon ..."
These people are aware. Kyai smart. Conscious, hadziq (intelligent). "How is it?"
This stick is not immediately taken. But once asked why I was given a stick. I submit paragraph:
وَمَا تِلْكَ بِيَمِينِكَ يَا مُوسَى ﴿١٧﴾ قَالَ هِيَ عَصَايَ أَتَوَكَّأُ عَلَيْهَا وَأَهُشُّ بِهَا عَلَى غَنَمِي وَلِيَ فِيهَا مَآرِبُ أُخْرَى ﴿١٨﴾ قَالَ أَلْقِهَا يَا مُوسَى ﴿١٩﴾ فَأَلْقَاهَا فَإِذَا هِيَ حَيَّةٌ تَسْعَى ﴿٢٠﴾ قَالَ خُذْهَا وَلَا تَخَفْ سَنُعِيدُهَا سِيرَتَهَا الْأُولَى ﴿٢١﴾
"Is that in your right hand O Moses? He said: "It is mine, I hold on to him, and I'm at (leaves) with him for goats, and for me there is no other purpose to it." Allah said: "Throw it, O Moses!" And threw the stick, then arrived -Arrived he became a snake that slithered quickly. Allah says: "Hold it and do not be afraid, we will return it to its original condition."
"Thank God, my son. I want to set Jam'iyah Cleric. I go on about this. This wand stick Moses Kyai Kholil given to me."
This is the plan of establishing Jam'iyah Ulama. No NU. What did he say? I've never heard establishment Jam'iyah Ulama. I do not understand.
After that I want to go home. "Want to go to you?"
"Yes, Kyai."
"Enough money in his pocket?"
"Simply, Kyai."
"I was praying alone, Kyai."
"Yes, let's. Kyai haturkan same, that I plan to set up Jam'iyah Ulema will be forwarded. "
This is the origin Jam'iyatul Ulama.
1924 end, I was called again by Kyai Khalil: "As'ad, here! You did not forget his house Hashim? "
"No, Kyai."
"Hashim Ash'ari?"
"Yes, Kyai."
"Where is his home."
"Where does it come from?"
"From Hard (Jombang). His son Kyai Ash'ari Hard. "
"Yeah right. Where Loud? "
"In the western Seblak."
"Yes, really know you?"
"Yes, Kyai."
"This rosary deliver."
"Yes, Kyai."
Then given 1 Ringgit money and cigarettes. I collect. Everything becomes 3 Ringgit with that first. No one I used. I want to know the fruit.
Continues, morning Kyai out of Break: "Here, eat first!"
"No, Kyai. Already drink and snack wedang, "
"Where did you get?"
"I bought on the street, Kyai"
"Do not buy on the way! Do not eat on the way! Pupils really eat on the road? "
"Yes, Kyai."
I ate at the dimarahami. Pupils really sell his pride? Finally I asked: "Enough is it?"
"Simply, Kyai."
"Hell No!"
Given again by Kyai. Given again 1 Ringgit. I save again. Then the rosary was held end: "Yes Jabbar, Ya Jabbar, Ya Jabbar. Yes Qahhar, Qahhar Yes, Yes Qahhar. "So Ya Jabbar first time round beads. Yes Qahhar first time round beads. I told dhikr.
Told to take. I tengadahkan my neck. "Why the neck?"
"Yes, Kyai. Please put in my neck from falling. "
"Well, then."
So I berkalung beads. Young berkalung beads. I walked again, reunited with my first discussing: "This person holding the wand? Wow .. Hadza majnun. "Some say" guardian ", yes like that. So I did not answer. I do not talk if you have not met Kyai. I am fasting. I do not speak, do not eat, do not smoke, because the mandate Kyai. I do not dare do anything. As to the Prophet, is the teacher. I do not dare. I am fasting. I do not eat, do not drink do not smoke. Not used my money.
There are interesting: "Tickets! ticket! "
I was not asked. I think it's because of the rosary and sticks. I pretended to sleep because they do not have a ticket. So during the course of 2 times I have never bought a ticket. Probably because they do not see me. It is clear sacred Kyai. So Auliya 'it has karomah. I am more convinced by the intercession. I am increasingly convinced.
I then got Tebuireng, Kyai (Hashim) asked: "What is it?"
"I drove the rosary."
"My God, My God. I be correct by my teacher. Where the rosary? "
"This, Kyai." (By craning his neck).
"This, Kyai. This rosary worn by Kyai to my neck, until now I did not hold it. I'm afraid su'ul adab (disrespectful) to the teacher. For this rosary for you. I'm not going to do anything against your property. "
Then taken by Kyai: "What does the Kyai?"
"Yes Jabbar, Ya Jabbar, Ya Jabbar. Yes Qahhar, Qahhar Yes, Yes Qahhar. "
"Who dares to NU will be destroyed. Who dares to scholars will be destroyed. "This dawuhnya.
In 1925, Kyai Khalil died on 29 Ramadan. Many people scattered. Finally in 1926 Rajab inaugurated Jam'iyatul Ulama. It has been made, the organization has been prepared. Including those setting is Kyai Dahlan of Nganjuk, which makes statutes. Then the scholars trial again to send to the Governor-General. Yeah, like that's what I can tell.
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